README1.TXT Aimnet Ranger, Beta Release, 1 October 1995 Welcome to the beta release of Aimnet Ranger, an integrated suite of Internet applications produced by Aimnet Corporation, in Santa Clara, California. These applications include mail, telnet, FTP, a WWW browser, and a newsreader. Aimnet Ranger allows you to 'associate' any browser to it. Setup options ******************************************************************************** Aimnet Ranger's setup program needs to know if you are installing it under MS Windows 3.1 or Windows '95. The reason is that if you are installing under Windows 3.1, you will need Aimnet Ranger's TCP/IP stack and dialer. Windows 95 has its own. Known Bugs (to be fixed by 11/95) ******************************************************************************** Configuration The Configuration portion doesn't remember what browser you associate to it. Dialler can be set to automatic instead of the Custom icon. Mail -The mail application doesn't always display correctly with SVGA resolutions higher then 600x800. -"Stack overflow" errors tend to occur when resizing active windows. -The address book still has a bug in it when trying to add new members. FTP -"Stack overflow" errors tend to occur when resizing active windows. Telnet -Please use vt100 for now if you are a vt102 user. -"resize" will crash the telnet application. ELM has problems with placement in the telnet window. Newsreader -The Newsreader application doesn't always display correctly with SVGA resolutions higher than 600x800. Browser -There is no support for JPG images yet, but it should be implemented by 10/15/95. -Redirection is not fully supported yet. Add a trailing "/" to URLs that need redirection. Future Improvements ******************************************************************************** Mail Importing address files from other mail applications Simplified mail sorting options Improved integration with the Newsreader Improved integration with the Browser Integration with the FTP application FTP Implementation of an FTP server Working with firewalls Newsreader 'Kill' ability Article threading Article sorting uuencode / decode abilities New Applications ******************************************************************************** FTP server Ping Finger IRC client Anti-Virus protection Please report all bugs to: or Aimnet Corporation 2350 Mission College Blvd. Ste. 600 Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 567-3800, x603 (408) 567-3990 FAX